
Recently, it often hits the headlines of the newspaper that an increasing number of young people are admiring superstars blindly, which has aroused a heated discussion among the public. As is shown in the first photograph, the young man writes Beckham’s name on his face. Similarly, in the chair of the second picture sits another young man, asking the barber to have his haircut as cool as Beckham’s. But is this what the author tries to tell us? Certainly not.

What lies behind the picture, or “buried” in the expensive Beckham’s haircut is clear: blind idol worship is not only harmful but wasteful as well. What is idol worship? Idol worship is usually the adolescents’ admiration to famous stars. According to a recent survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Social Science, 70.92% of teenagers in China worship superstars. Among all the touching facts related to this topic that I have heard, noticed and experienced, what impress me the most are the recent reality shows on TV. Even when the stars in the shows do nothing more than playing meaningless games, some of the young people begin to love them and be crazy about them, which is so-called “idol worship”. Were the blind behavior to continue, the young generation might lose a right value.

To put an end to this trend, in my opinion, it calls for efforts from all sides. To begin with, the mass media, such as radio, television and the Internet, should make every effort to disseminate a rational value. Additionally, the public should enhance the awareness and understand that what we should learn from the superstars is their spirit,not their appearance. Looking further ahead, we can say with full confidence that only in this way can we expect a more healthy young generation.

