  第二,基础好的考生一般什么时候报考考研班?还有一部分大学基础牢固的同学,经过一段时间之后发现不能适应考研的节奏,整体复习效果不佳,可以选择在5-6月份的时候报班,通常一些机构会聘请专门的学长或学姐来为考生进行一对一的辅导,或者是像高途考研这类机构会邀请经营丰富的老师讲解考研课程,帮助考生快速发现并解决问题,掌握答题相关技巧,在短时间内得到明显的提升。  2.培训的时间不同


北京第二外国语学院英语学院成立于 2009 年,其前身是 1964年成立的英语系,是北京第二外国语学院最早创建的外语(课程)院系之一。英语学院现有英语专业和商务英语专业,下设英语语言文学系、跨文化系、翻译系和商务英语系。英语专业是北京市重点建设学科和北京市品牌建设专业,在教育部英语本科评估中被评为优秀,2008、2009年先后被评 为北京市、教育部特色专业。现设本科、硕士研究生两个办学层次。本科各专业(方向)重视培养学生的思维能力、创新能力和实践能力,将本科四年的通才教育改变为“2+2”的“基础加专业”的复合模式。


Beijing International Studies University and College of English

Beijing second foreign language institute is a foreign language and literature, and tourism management as the superiority characteristic discipline, literature, management, economics, law, philosophy and other disciplines coordinated development of famous colleges and universities, is the Chinese language, translation, tourism, trade and other important base of personnel training and research, university of internationalization is a distinct characteristics. The University has established 6 Confucius Institutes in cooperation with the Autonomous University of Chihuahua in Mexico, the Central University of Lancashire in the United Kingdom, the University of Mohammed V in Morocco, the City of Clermont-Ferrand in France, the University of Coimbra in Portugal and the University of Panama.

The School of English at Beijing International Studies University (BISU) was founded in 2009. Its predecessor was the Department of English, which was established in 1964. It is one of the earliest departments of foreign languages (courses) in BISU. The College of English has two majors, English and Business English, and consists of the Department of English Language and Literature, the Department of Intercultural Studies, the Department of Translation and Business English. The English major is one of the key construction disciplines of Beijing and the brand construction major of Beijing. It was rated as excellent in the English undergraduate evaluation by the Ministry of Education, and was successively rated as the characteristic major of Beijing and the Ministry of Education in 2008 and 2009. There are two levels of education: undergraduate and postgraduate. All undergraduate majors (directions) attach importance to cultivating students' thinking ability, innovation ability and practical ability, and change the four-year general education into a compound mode of "2+2" and "basic plus major".

Postgraduates have five training directions: theoretical linguistics and applied linguistics, British and American literature, British and American social culture, translation theory and practice, and international affairs.

