  2、规划科学化  除了要看补习班的成立时间的长短以外,在选择徐州考研补习班时,补习的授课方式也是一个重要参考因素。有的补习班从始至终都是老一套的教学模式,这种教学模式往往跟不上时代,同时也无法让学生提高学习积极性。那些好的考研补习班会与时俱进不断的改进自己的授课方式,以提高学员们的学习积极性为目的,而不是填鸭式的教育。在这一方面高途考研一直做的比较好,他创新出了特殊的网络授课的方式,让学员们可以以一种沉浸式的方式去学习。同时这种方式还非常的便捷,学员们可以根据自己的时间灵活安排学习,让学员们可以随时随地的在家就能进行学习,打破了时间和空间的限制。

中国政法大学研究生院成立于1983年5月5日,在当时开新中国法学研究生教育之先河,是中国培养高层次法律人才的重要基地。建院25年来,已培养各类研究生近万名,新中国第一批法学硕士、第一批法学博士皆首出我院,1987年,新中国第一届法学博士研究生(3人)在本院毕业。目前在校研究生总数为 4836人,其中博士研究生为712人。我校法学研究生教育规模居全国第一,在校法学研究生总数为4355人。

Graduate School of China University of Political Science and Law

The Graduate School of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) was founded on May 5, 1983, which was the first of its kind in law graduate education in China at that time and an important base for cultivating high-level legal talents in China. Since its establishment 25 years ago, it has cultivated nearly 10,000 graduate students of all kinds. The first batch of master of law and the first batch of doctor of law of New China were both issued to our school. In 1987, the first class of doctor of law of New China (3 students) graduated from our school. At present, the total number of graduate students in the university is 4836, including 712 doctoral students. The scale of law graduate education in our university ranks first in China, with a total of 4,355 law graduate students.

