【第15周】2023考研英语长难句详细分析:每日长难句详解分析 _中国考研招生信息网

  The company, a major energy supplier in New England, provoked justified outrage in Vermont last week when it announced it was reneging on a long standing commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations.(2012年英语一text2)


  【解析】句子主干为The company provoked justified outrage;中间的a major energy supplier in New England是the company 的同位语,同位语的作用是解释说明;随后的when引导的是定语从句,很多同学会存在误区认为只要是when引导的从句,就是时间状语从句,注意当出现n+when;这里的n如果是和时间相关的n,那么n+when结构中,when引导的是定语从句,在本句中出现的是last week +when,那么when定语从句是在修饰last week, 该定语从句的主干是it announced, 主语it 代词,指代the company, 后面的it was reneging on a longstanding commitment to abide by the strict nuclear regulations其实是announced的宾语从句发生了省略从属连词的情况,宾语从句中to abide by the strict nuclear regulations不定式结构是commitment的后置定语。

  【重点词汇】energy supplier 能源供应商;provoke 激起;outrage 义愤;announce声称,宣布;renege on 违背,食言;commitment承诺;abide遵守;regulations法规,规则;



【第15周】2023考研英语长难句详细分析:每日长难句详解分析 _中国考研招生信息网
