Set in the late 1980s, a satanic cult has a singular focus of unleashing hell on Earth. With the help of an ancient incantation, they conjure a demon, and its members are tasked with feeding it the populous of a nearby small southwestern town.
演员:乔纳森·本内特 克里斯汀·卡瓦拉瑞 Jerry Shea Nestor Aaron Absera 柯特·富勒
演员:里奥尼德·费拉托夫 奥列格·巴希拉什维利 弗拉基米尔·缅绍夫 阿尔缅·哲加尔哈尼扬 阿列克谢·扎尔科夫
演员:小比尔·奥伯斯特 克里斯·赫洛泽